Japanese Jujitsu 
at Wright Fight Concepts
Practical, diverse, adaptive, and effective methods of self-protection and combative action taught in a safe and high energy training environment!

  Each of our Adult and Teen Japanese Jujitsu classes is conducted by our head instructor, Sensei Damien Wright or one of our certified and experienced lead instructors.  

  Meditative breathing exercises begin each class. After this, as the student’s mind begins to focus and find quiet clarity, rigorous conditioning and cardio exercises can be expected, customarily followed by a dynamic stretching routine. All of this is meant to prepare the body and mind to receive the training. 

  Combative techniques (strikes, throws, takedowns, joint locks, groundwork, escape, weapons, disarms, etc) and eclectic variations are then thoroughly explored, and methods of reaching them efficiently and thoughtlessly are drilled.   

  Every week, some form of free sparring or situational sparring (contending with a resisting training partner using protective equipment), Shiai Randori (executing throws, takedowns, and ground attacks against a resisting opponent), and Goshin-Jutsu Randori (free-style practice of self-defense techniques in non-rehearsed movement against one or more attackers) are used to further refine our understanding of human movement in the application of our techniques. 

It is recommended that a each student attend no less than 2 classes a week for standard advancements in training to be expected.  Consistency and commitment to one’s training is paramount in establishing martial skill.

You get out of your Jujitsu experience what you put in to it.

Practical, adaptive, and effective methods of self-protection and combative action taught in a safe and high energy training environment!

Each of our Adult and Teen jujitsu classes is conducted by our head instructor, Sensei Damien Wright or one of our 
certified and experienced lead instructors.  

Meditative breathing exercises begin each class. After this, as the student’s mind begins to focus and find quiet clarity, rigorous conditioning and cardio exercises can be expected, customarily followed by a stretching routine. All of this is meant to prepare 
the body and mind to receive the training. 

Traditional techniques and eclectic variations are then explored, and methods of reaching them efficiently and thoughtlessly are drilled. In some classes, exercises in sparring (contending with a training partner using protective equipment) and randori (a free-style practice of jujitsu techniques in non-rehearsed movement against one or more attackers) are used to further refine our understanding of human movement in the application of our techniques. 

Open mat training time is made available during the week and on the weekend as well, to round out the class experience and give each student some personal time to spend with the art. It is recommended that a typical adult student attend no less than 2 classes a week for standard advancements in training to be expected. 

Consistency and commitment to one’s training is paramount in establishing martial skill. You get out of martial arts what you put in to it.
Wright Fight Concepts Japanese Jujitsu
A Nagasu Ryū Jujitsu Martial Science Curriculum Program
Authorized by the Tora Karate Federation, Inc.

 Certified directly in 2013 by the late Wayne "Papasan" Ford Soke, the founder of Nagasu Ryu. 
Renewed in 2015 by his successor and Tora Karate Federation C.E.O. 
Michael G.  Burrowes Soke. 

What Is “Japanese Jujitsu”?

  Jujitsu (柔 術, the word meaning the gentle art), alternately spelled “jujutsu” (most customarily proper), “jiu-jitsu”, or “ju-jitsu” depending on the locale or custom of a given school, is a method of martial arts developed in Japan in the 1530s by the samurai, or warrior class, who established Ryū (schools/methods) throughout Japan, some of which exist to this day.  

  Additionally, and importantly, there are many modern extrapolations and variations of this classical martial method that have been developed and cultivated throughout the world as it has necessarily evolved from contact with other cultures, epochs, and fighting methods. Exposure to this art has also directly influenced the development of many other martial arts formulated in modern times and found in popular practice today (aikido, hapkido, judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, krav maga, military combatives, sambo, kajukenbo, etc.).

  Classical jujitsu is a method of defending oneself, usually but not always without the use of weapons, by utilizing the strength, effort, and weight of an attacker to disable and hinder him.  It employs the use of vital strikes, joint locks, trapping, immobilization, and pinning techniques, off-balancing and sweeping techniques, throws, weapon retention, ground fighting, holds and chokes, and disengaging and escape techniques. Training in jujitsu also encompasses the proper ways to fall safely or break fall (called "ukemi").  

  The wide variety of combat matters addressed in jujitsu training allows its modern-day practitioner to gain a realistic understanding of practical self-defense and physical awareness in the stressful situation of a violent encounter as well as a deep, personal understanding of one’s own capacity and how best to exceed it for self-betterment and personal expression.

The Style We Teach: Nagasu Ryū Jujitsu  

  "Nagasu" means ‘to let flow’.  "Ryū", a Japanese term used in the sense of "ryūha", means essentially 'school of thought' or 'instructed discipline'.  

  This unique method of combative jujitsu was developed by the late, great Wayne "Papasan" Ford, Soke (1936 - 2015) from his extensive experience (60 years of martial arts experience!) and lifetime teachings. Developed from Soke's exhaustive practices of aiki-jujutsu, karate-do, and boxing, and influenced by his exposure to and mastery of Korean karate and extensive involvement with Goshi-Shun karate-do, Nagasu Ryu, as a martial system, respects the classical roots of the art while adapting the methodology of its practice and theory for modern combative application, practical defense, and eclectic modern practice.

  With the use of balance manipulation, strikes, locks, and a thorough examination of technique and concept, Nagasu Ryu Jujitsu seeks to train its practitioner to adapt technique to situation fluidly and instinctually, with minimal effort and maximum potential results. 

  Most attacks and defenses in this art are examined and delivered at fair to extreme close range, as violence often occurs at uncomfortable distances. Techniques and their logical variations are explored with various methods, allowing for freedom of mobility and direction. Examination of timing, distance, balance, and movement is considered thoroughly in each lesson and each technique.

  Physical conditioning is incorporated and used to rigorous measure in order to make the body remember the lesson when the mind is too tired to think. As Papasan has often said, "The first butt you've got to kick is your own."
Belt Ranks in Japanese Jujitsu (Nagasu Ryū)
  Belt ranks in the Japanese Jujitsu program at Wright Fight Concepts are in the art of Nagasu-Ryū Jujitsu and are certified by the governing body of the Tora Karate Federation (Grandmaster Michael Burrowes, Soke and C.E.O.) and formally recognized by all affiliated and associated schools and academies. 

  Eligibility for advancement in each Mudansha (below black belt) rank is determined by the Head Instructor (Damien Wright Kyoshi) AND his Senior Staff and is evaluated based on exacting criteria (both objective and subjective) which includes demonstrable knowledge of class curriculum, consistent attendance in classes, upright moral character, fitness requirements, and a command knowledge of the appropriate study material (books and research). 

  Advancement to the Yudansha (Black Belt) level has been known to take 6 to 10 years for the truly dedicated student, and Yudansha advancement beyond Shodan (1st Degree) is overseen carefully by the Head Instructor (Damien Wright Kyoshi) AND the Headmaster of the Art (Michael Burrowes Soke) and testing eligibility is determined by agreement between both parties. 

  We DO NOT award any rank eligibility based on time served alone. Coming to class consistently for years will not guarantee you any specific rank or standing in the dojo. Each belt rank takes consistent time (in some cases years) and diligent effort to achieve, and all matters pertaining to advancement MUST be satisfied. That being said, a rank advancement, any rank, in the art of Japanese Jujitsu is truly a remarkable achievement, symbolic of uncommon effort and representative of a remarkable personal dedication that will serve the practicing martial artist in all aspects of life.

Novice Student Belt Ranks

White Belt


Yellow Belt

(6th Kyu)

Orange Belt

(5th Kyu)

Intermediate Student Belt Ranks

Green Belt

(4th Kyu)

Blue Belt

(3rd Kyu)

Purple Belt

(2nd Kyu)

Advanced Student Belt Rank and Assistant Instructor Title

Brown Belt (Sempai)

 Definition of the word Sempai: Elder Sibling

1st Kyu

Rights and Privileges: 

May conduct and lead classes for non-black belt ranks

Expert Student Belt Rank and Instructor Title

Black Belt (Sensei)

 Definition of the word Sensei: One who came before.

Shodan, Nidan, Sandan
(1st Dan, 2nd Dan, 3rd Dan) 

Rights and Privileges: 

May conduct and lead classes of all ranks

May lead a program or dojo

May personally promote up to Brown Belt

At Nidan, may sit on committee for Shodan (1st Dan Black Belt) testing candidates

Ceremonial Belts for Advanced Dan (Black Belt) Ranks

and Master Instructor License Titles

Please Note:

  When addressing an instructor of Black Belt level, it is appropriate and encouraged to refer to them merely as "Sensei" regardless of the instructor's Dan rank or Master level of licensure.  It is usually considered inappropriate and unnecessary however to refer to a Master level instructor by their title in place of the term Sensei as the title is considered a formal notation and not a part of customary speech (ex: someone with a PhD degree and license might be addressed as "Doctor" so-and-so or "Professor" so-and-so, but never "PhD" so-and-so in actual conversation).

Master Instructor

Level 1 (Renshi)

Yondan, Godan
(4th and 5th Dan)

Rights and Privileges:

May conduct and lead classes of all ranks

May lead a program or dojo

May lead committee for Black Belt testing candidates up to 3rd Dan

Master Instructor

Level 2 (Kyoshi)

Rokudan, Shichidan
(6th and 7th Dan)
Rights and Privileges:

May conduct and lead classes of all ranks

May lead a program or dojo

May lead committee for Black Belt testing candidates up to 3rd Dan

May sit on committee to license a Leve l 1 Master Instructor

Master Instructor

Level 3 (Hanshi)

Hachidan, Kyudan
(8th and 9th Dan)
Rights and Privileges:

May conduct and lead classes of all ranks

May lead a program or dojo

May lead committee for Black Belt testing candidates up to 3rd Dan

May sit on committee to license Level 1 and 2 Master Instructors

Headmaster of the Art (Soke)


(10th Dan)

Rights and Privileges:

May conduct and lead classes of all ranks

May lead a program or dojo

May lead committee for Black Belt testing candidates of All Levels

May lead committee to license all levels of Master Instructor

Exclusive Privileges:

C.E.O of Tora Karate Federation (governing body that regulates Nagasu Ryu)

Only person who can authorize and certify a dojo for instruction in Nagasu Ryu

Only person who can license a Level 3 Master Instructor

This title may only be held by one person

Pictured Left to Right: 

Kenneth Reid Kyoshi, Michael Burrowes Soke (Grandmaster of Nagasu Ryu), Lukas Bedetto Sensei (Newly Promoted to Shodan), Damien Wright Kyoshi, Daniel Stinson Sensei

Click Here for a Full Registry of Nagasu Ryū Black Belts

Rest In Peace, Papasan Sensei

  The Founder of Nagasu Ryū Jujitsu and our Grandmaster, Wayne "Papasan" Ford, Soke passed away peacefully, surrounded by those he loved, on July 23rd, 2015. He was 79 years old.  

  Mere words can never express what Grandmaster Ford himself and his martial and philosophical teachings have meant to so many over the years.  

  A wise and devoted teacher, a loving father figure, and a most generous and compassionate man in his heart, this world is truly a better place because he was in it. And we who knew him and love him are better for having shared this time with him together and learned from his vast knowledge and experience. 

  He left a great legacy behind with the knowledge he passed down to so many of his students, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that his teachings and legacy are preserved for future generations.
Check out the video below for a candid interview with Wayne "Papasan" Ford, the founder of Nagasu Ryū Jujitsu  as he discusses the finer points of his martial arts methodology and his views on how this methodology addresses training effectively for real world violence.
Grandmaster Wayne ‘Papasan’ Ford Video Collection
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